Vienna: Falling in Love with Before Sunrise

Before Sunrise is definitely my favourite romance movie. The combination of sweet romance and thought-provoking discussions about love and life is just genius. Nothing beats falling in love in a new city.

Filmed in Vienna, there are 3 scenes from the movie which accentuate those moments when you realise he/she could be the one.  

1. When you realise you can talk about topics that you would never have told simply to anyone.

In the city tram, questions started off in a light hearted way but quickly escalated to heavier topics that revolve around reincarnation and souls. I mean just try remembering when you were still getting to know that particular someone and you realised you could hold any conversations under the stars with that person. This scene brings out the gist of it perfectly.


I think having the city tram whizzing around the city centre brings out the charm of the place and and I hope they would never ever demolish the system. 


2. When you can’t help but steal irresistible glances.

This scene in the record store where they were listening to Come Here by Kath Bloom in the music booth is probably every viewer’s favourite scene. The subtle display of adoration for someone whom you realised you could actually grow to like is executed so flawlessly here. 


It’s a little detour off the city centre but you would not miss out on their iconic minimalist display signage. “Alt & Neu” simply means old and new in German and it’s what the store is all about. 


Bought a second hand Simon & Garfunkel CD and was mildly pleased when the record store owner asked “Are you here because of Before Sunrise?” From good old classic to brand new releases, this place looks like a vinyl heaven.


Around the corner, there’s a pretty looking courtyard restaurant called Amerling and I had really good pumpkin soup.


3. When you thought of what could have been if you did not take this risk.

Located in the city center is the Albertina Palais Museum where 2 scenes were filmed. 

Jesse: I feel like this is some dream world we’re in, you know.

Celine: Yeah, it’s so weird. It‘s like our time together is just ours. It‘s our own creation. It must be like I’m in your dream, and you in mine, or something.

Jesse: And what’s so cool is that this whole evening, all our time together, shouldn’t officially be happening.



From the balcony, it overlooks the beautiful streets of Vienna.


And I really enjoyed the photography exhibition in the museum.


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